Creating a Useful Course Study Guide for Nursing Courses

Creating a Useful Course Study Guide for Nursing Courses

Nursing school is all about adaptation. Keeping up with the course load, managing your personal life, relationships, work and everything else can be a delicate balance. Figuring out the way that you learn best is an integral part of studying effectively, and not only...

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Lessons I Have Learned in Nursing School

Lessons I Have Learned in Nursing School

As a mom approaching my thirties at the time I started nursing school, I thought that I had my life figured out- I did not. Through motherhood and being an adult learner, I have grown and learned more about myself in the last 3 ½ years than any other span of time...

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Scholarship Opportunities for Nursing Students

Scholarship Opportunities for Nursing Students

New graduates from nursing school unsurprisingly accrue a large amount of student loans. The average cost of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is $40,000, with some private programs costing up to $80,000. It is important for future nurses to lessen their burden...

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Handling Failure in Nursing School

Handling Failure in Nursing School

Nursing school is an arduous process. Whether you’re in a two-year, or a four-year program there are bound to be failures or areas where you may fail to meet your expectations. Coming into nursing school, I was accustomed to failure, it was all I knew because I failed...

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Specialization Options with a BSN Degree

Specialization Options with a BSN Degree

Going to school for a nursing degree will open many doors for you. There are countless specialties available to nurses such as: pediatrics, labor and delivery, ICU, and neurology, just to name a few. Due to the high rate of burn out in bedside nursing, it is important...

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There’s an ongoing debate regarding whether aspiring nurses should go to school for their BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing), or ADN (Associates Degree in Nursing). Both degrees will earn you the title of Registered Nurse, the difference is that the BSN will also provide you with a 4-year bachelor’s degree

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Being a Mom and a Nursing Student

Being a Mom and a Nursing Student

Countless times I have studied for an exam or completed a homework assignment as my little boy was asleep in my arms- he has even attended some Zoom lectures right alongside me. Going through all of this is what FUELS me.

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How to Prevent Burnout in Nursing School

How to Prevent Burnout in Nursing School

For many nursing students, feeling burned out is not uncommon. I often find myself feeling as though I
should be doing homework, studying or reading up on information at all times to keep up. I always feel like I should be doing MORE. This is unrealistic, the reality is, your body and mind are going to hate you for trying and you are going to feel burned out- this isn’t a race to the bottom.

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Balancing Life and Nursing School

Balancing Life and Nursing School

One question I often receive from prospective and current nursing students is, “How do you balance school with being a mom, and life in general?” Deciding to pursue nursing school, especially with a family, is a huge commitment. But it is doable. I have been able to attend family events, take trips, and enjoy time with my friends while in school. Sometimes it just requires some sacrifices in other areas of life.

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